Yolanda Gonzalez

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My name is Yolanda Gonzalez and I am studying a master on Interior design. Currently, I am working as Junior Interior designer in a well established interior design in London. In the near future, I would like to see myself in projects that focus on social improvement and sustainability.

My major project primarily focus on the idea of finding an affordable solution for the high prices of the renting market in London. Essentially, this crucial problem is just the tip of the iceberg and covers several serious social issues such as loneliness, exclusion and, not less important, environmental impact. An analysis of the rental market and demographics demonstrate that people from all ages and backgrounds have been affected by these problems. My idea promotes the creation of an urban Co-living community focus in a sustainable way of living in a sharing environment. An office building will be transformed in a small community where people of all ages will be welcome to live and work. All rooms will be designed to cover the necessities and commodities of its habitants, including its diet. An indoor and outdoor urban gardening will contribute to improve their lifestyle and will help the residents to reduce their carbon footprint, and moreover, will protect them from future pandemics and natural disasters.

Presenting – Major Project Development