Cookie Policy

Liveness is the independent Event, News, Writing and Student Portfolio Website of the School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University. The website is edited by a team of tutors and students.

Essential Cookies

When you use this website, essential cookies identified with our domain name ( are stored in your web browser. Your consent to this is assumed in your continued use of the site. To find out more about cookies and how they are used, visit About Cookies a site that has information on how to control the use of cookies through your browser settings, including how to manage, remove, block and delete them.

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Google Analytics cookies are set under our own domain name, We collect user data from Google Analytics anonymously, to help us improve our website. Where other website applications (Vimeo, YouTube, Issuu, Facebook and Twitter Widgets) are included in our pages, these sites will usually install cookies in your browser, listed under their respective domain names.

You might be able to opt out of receiving these altogether, depending on whether or not you web browser gives you the choice of accepting or blocking third party cookies. You will need to look in your browser settings to see if this is possible.