Straying Across Narrative: AAD Drawing Symposium and Exhibition
Fri 4 Nov 2022, 2–6.15pm
Exhibition Opening 6.30pm
The Wash Houses → Venue Info
Free, registration required
EventbriteStraying Across Narrative is a symposium that brings together tutors and practitioners from across the School or Art, Architecture and Design (AAD) to speak about the practice of drawing. Contributions from a broad range of perspectives and different disciplines – Architecture, Textile Design, Furniture Design, Fine Art and Interior Design and Furtuniture Design – explore differences and commonalities between disciplines, and seek to define a critical position for Drawing at the School.
Organised by the newly formed Drawing Group at the AAD and hosted by CREATURE and CUBE, Straying Across Narrative is an open and inclusive forum for discussion and an invitation for more practitioners to the join the project.
Speakers include Bob Barnes, Kieron Baroutchi, Marianne Forest, Tony Fretton, Tommaso Gorla, Andrew Hewish, James Hunting, Jane McAllister, Rosie McGoldrick, Matilda Moors and Sam Wingate, with concluding a talk by Mavernie Cunningham, the School’s new Head of Art.
The talks will be chaired by Matthew Barac and Wessie Ling.
The symposium is followed by a reception and the opening of an accompanying exhibition in the Atrium at 6.30pm.
Venue Info
Fri 4 Nov 2022, 2–6.15pm
The Wash Houses
London Metropolitan University
Calcutta House
25 Old Castle Street
London E1 7NT