Liveness 2020

Eun Mi Howie
Thanks for the Dance

Liveness 2020 (Archive)

Eun Mi Howie, Thanks for the Dance, Roses in my Hair, Shoulders are Bare
Roses in my Hair, Shoulders are Bare.

Thanks for The Dance is about the life that has a rhythm like a piece of music. Some music has a minor tune, others a major tune. Within the music regardless of the tunes; there are high tones and low tones which make the music more exciting and shows individual personality. Music expresses discordant sounds and harmonious sounds which sometimes surprises us. Life reflects a similar quality. To me, Dance, in this context, is a metaphor for life. Every sound can be appreciated, and every moment enjoyed. On a deeper level, Eun explored human nature and vulnerability and insecurity.

Eun Mi Howie, Thanks for the Dance,, Joined in the Spirit, Joined at teh Hop and Joined in the Panic
Joined in the Spirit, Joined at the Hip and Joined in the Panic.
Eun Mi Howie, Thanks for the Dance, I was So I and You were So You
I was So I and You were So You