Liveness 2020

First Year

Liveness 2020 (Archive)

Photography student zines

Giulia Ballarin, Isoltaion Diary Zine

Amy Bloomfield, Find me at Sunrise Zine

Bella Bosi, Notice Due To Covid-19 At Home Zine

Vaiva Botyriute, V2 Zine

Joe Crawley, Rhymes Of An Hour Zine

Ciara Davies, The Locked In Diary Of Quotes Zine

Alba de la Cruz, 1264.25km-19 792.4036129 Zine

Pett Denton, James Escaping Inertia Zine


Christal Gentles, Locked In Zine

Jones Tristan, Double Take Zine

Maciej Kowalewski, Reunion Zine

Bea Lauckner, Pristine Conditions Zine

Bekah Mayes, Rainy days don’t feel the same anymore zine

Matei Pop, The Cottage Zine

Christopher Powe, Untitled zine

Douglas Reeves, Signs Zine

Nigel Rodrigues, New Normal Zine

Cheryl Scott, Lockdown Communication Zine

Helena Sinecka, Love Pray Live Zine

Stoynev Kris, The First Eight Sunrises Of April Zine

Matty Thomas, The 24 Hour + Project Zine

Arturs Viksna, Piramida Zine