Liveness 2021

Philippa King
Abject Icons: Trinity, Marginality, Transformation

Liveness 2021 (Archive)

For the MA by Project my research question, or quest, was to make icons - ways of representing the divine - that challenge the patriarchal and hierarchical images common in Christian religion. I used Julia Kristeva’s concept of the Abject to guide my journey along with the Queer Theology of Linn Tonstad. I explored this question through drawing, print, sculpture and photography. The work includes The Womb of God, which is a sensual labyrinth made of fur; Serpentine Labyrinth carved in stone, and the Queer Trinity. As Covid meant we could not have a final exhibition in 2020, I photographed my work in two different church settings and made a photo book; click on the image to see more. 
